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10 July, 2013 – FamilyInspirationPhotographyThoughtsTravel


In February I traveled with my family to Senegal. Our destination was not solely chosen as a welcome brake offering a buzzing city, wonderful beaches, a warming sun, fantastic food and friendly people.
The richness of Africa is difficult to find in the way the continent is perceived in media.
And it is not that image I want my children to have of a continent where not only the origin of mankind dwell but, I believe, much of the future.
You are better off traveling there and make up your own mind.
My partner Cedric returned for the first time since he was a child to the home country of his father’s family.
This was a dimension to the trip that was beyond my experience and I am grateful that he had the courage
to return to his past.
At school I hear Maxime tell his friends he is African (he might flip between Swedish and French as well).
He has the fortune to be triple, not half, mixed or split in any way but he really has three treasures to explore
and thrive from.
And he shares those w
ith his sister Anaïs and the brother that had started to grow in my belly as we set off to
Dakar via Paris. Another home.

12 June, 2012 – FamilyPhotographyTravel

H O L I D A Y & S U N S H I N E

See You later Aligators!

5 May, 2012 – FamilyPhotography